This sea kayak course is marked as Basic Seakayak Course by the Norwegian Paddle Association (NPF) It’s only available to run by sea kayak instructors trained by the association. I completed the training between 2013-2015. My experiential knowledge gained since then on the waves of the northern seas and oceans. Currently I organize courses basicly in Hungary, and at the Adriatic sea, but for closed groups everywhere in Europe. Sounds good? Talk about it by email or phone!

Why do you need this course?
Kayaking is an increasing popular sport, but it’s not just about paddling and having fun. With a kayak you reach places which are inaccessible on foot or by car – where you don’t meet anyone. Except you take your favorite friends, your fellow tourmates with you.
Whether you paddle alone or in company, you or your companions can capsize into the water at any time. Do you know what to do in that case? Can you save yourself or your mates? Are you sure you can consciously prevent capsizing , or can you predict dangerous situations? It is not always possible to swim and pull the kayak ashore; and often you don’t have enough time before the hypothermic to drift until you have a proper place to leave the water.

I know,it sounds overdriven, maybe you have never capsized. Anyway it’s better to try it in a controlled environment, to be ready for what to do in a sharp situation.
The part of safe paddling is also that you have the proper technical knowledge to prevent an accident. You can properly assess whether the chosen paddling location is right for your knowledge and stamina. You know the water and can save your energy if needed, so you’ll find the solution that best suits the terrain and situation.
In this course, you will learn the techniques needed for safe, efficient, confident, and enjoyable kayaking, and even how to move effectively against the tide or even rivers.
You will be able to avoid capsizing. In case of capsizing into the water through no fault of your own, you will be able to confidently manage the co-and self-rescue so that you can paddle safely all year round.
We will also teach you how to prepare for a kayak tour, what equipment is necessary.
The course is 2 days long, and is mostly spent with practice on the water.

The course starts with a minimum of 4 applicants.
Click here to find date of given workshop .
Location: Lake Balaton
Normal Course fee: 260 euro, check the actual price at the choosen location.
which also includes training and equipment (kayak, vest, paddle)
What else you should calculate for:
- travel individually (We introduce the participants of the course to each other, we help to coordinate the joint trip if required.)
- accommodation individually (We have a suggestion.)
- meals individually
For tours and workshops of 2 days or more :
- If the tour is not made due to us or covid regulations, the tour fee will be refunded.
- If you cancel more than 60 days before departure, the tour fee will be refunded.
- If you cancel 59 and 30 days before the start of the program, 50% of the tour fee will be refunded.
- If you cancel less than 30 days before the start of the program, there will be no refund, however you can transfer the tour if you find another applicant instead.

SAFETY IS the most important to us!
Safety conditions for participating in tours:
- swim knowledge: the buoyancy aid holds You at the surface of the water, but because it’s about watersport, the minimum swim ability is expected from the participants.
- zero alcohol consumption during the day – no one can drink alcohol or be under the influence of drugs. Anyone who breaks this rules has to face the consequences, surely he will not get into kayaks that day. In the case of a multi-day tour, this may also result for the participant being deprived of the opportunity to continue and complete the tour. In the evening, minimal alcohol consumption is allowed in the camp!
General Terms and Conditions for KayakCrazy Excursions:
Participation is at your own risk. KayakCrazy assumes no liability for the financial consequences of any accident / injury that may occur during the event. Exceptions may be the liability for the gross negligence of the tour guide. Participation is subject to the condition that the participants have valid travel / accident insurance, in this case extreme sports insurance. Guided tours are open to anyone who meets the physical and mental requirements of the participants. Participants are required to thoroughly read the program and assess their physical and mental ability to complete the trip. If a participant is unsure of his or her health, he or she must consult with a physician before starting a guided tour. Participants are required to bring the equipment mentioned in the guided tour description. Participants are required to follow the guidance of the tour guide. If it becomes apparent that a participant is physically or mentally incapable of completing the trip, is inadequate or does not have the necessary equipment, may be denied participation or excluded from the rest of the tour. Participants who may have acute health problems (such as seizures or the like) should be prepared for travel (for example, by importing medications and instructions). The tour guide must be informed in advance of the health issues relevant to the guided tour.

🇬🇧 At KayakCrazy we love unique kayak adventures spiced with a pinch of challenge to gain lifelong experiences and unforgettable stories.
Ez a tartalom jelenleg nem érhető el.
Ez általában olyankor fordul elő, amikor a tulajdonosa csak kisebb csoportnyi emberrel osztotta meg, megváltoztatta a láthatóságát, vagy törölték.
🇬🇧 We wish you Merry Christmas and Happy 2025! 😆
🇭🇺 Kellemes karácsonyi ünnepeket és boldog 2025-ös évet kívánunk! 😆
#kayakcrazy #grinchmas #happykayaking #kayakadventures in the #newyear #2025
🇹🇯 "A workshop minden perce megérte, tényleg sokat adott nekem! Menjetek tanfolyamokra, tanuljatok profiktól biztonságos környezetben!" - írja András az idei áramlástani mókáról a blogján. Lányok, fiúk! Imádtuk ezt a belevaló, mindent kipróbáló, nagyon barátságos és igazán vagány csapatot. Le a kallappal az alázatért, amit a vízen járás felé tanúsítotok. Részünkről a szerencse, hogy megismertünk benneteket!
A résztvevői élménybeszámolót itt olvashatjátok végig:![]()
🇬🇧"Every minute of the workshop was worth it, it really gave me a lot! Go to courses, learn from professionals in a safe environment!" - András writes about this year's hydrodynamics kayak workshop on his blog. Girls, guys! We loved this amazing, trying-everything, very friendly and really cool team. Hats off to the humility you show towards the water. We are lucky to have met you!
🇭🇺Hétvégén megkezdődnek szarvasbőgés kajaktúráink a Szigetközben. 🦌🦌🦌🦌 (Adj hangot a videóra! 😉🔊 )
Jelentkezés menete: a webshopban a kosárba helyezed a neked megfelelő és elérhető túrát, majd megrendeled.
Minden terméknél/túránál látható az elérhető létszám.
Ezután felvesszük veled a kapcsolatot és tájékoztatunk a továbbiakról.
Link a webshophoz az első kommentben. ⬇️![]()
🇬🇧At the weekend, our deer roaring kayak tours begin in Szigetköz. 🦌🦌🦌🦌
Application process: in the webshop, you place the appropriate and available tour in the basket, and then order it.
The number of available places are shown for each product/tour.
We will then contact you and let you know what's next.
Link to the webshop in the first comment. ⬇️