Crazy for Kayaking Living in the Hungarian Paddle Paradies Szigetköz Crazy for Adventures From the rivers to the oceans Crazy for Remote Places From the Mediterrain to the Arctic Crazy for Expeditions Thousands of Kms in Endurance Missions Crazy for Workshops For safe paddling Crazy for Nature As long there is enough water under the keel Crazy and respectful Paddling in small group, Silent and Trackless

Mosoni 100 Upstream 2025


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SKU: Mosoni 100 Upstream 2025 Categories: , Product ID: 4484


A Mosoni 100 Upstream kajakos teljesítménytúra 2025.

Mi az a Mosoni 100 Upstream?
Ez egy 2 napos teljesítménytúra kajakkal, árral szemben a Mosoni -Duna 100 km-es szakaszán Győrtől Rajkáig. Teljesen önellátó, amolyan expedíciós stílusban.
HELYSZÍNE:   Győr – Rajka a Mosoni-Dunán.
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The Mosoni 100 Upstream Kayak Challenge.2025.

What is Mosoni 100 Upstream?


This is a 2-day endurance challenge by kayak upstream on the 100 km section of the Mosoni-Danube from Győr to Rajka. Completely self-sufficient, in a kind of expedition style.


LOCATION of the tour: Győr – Rajka on the Mosoni-Danube


DATE: 30-31.08.2025.


Detailed info

Conditions for Participiating
Useful equipement for trips
Individual Responsibility Satement
Cancellations Policy