Crazy for Kayaking Living in the Hungarian Paddle Paradies Szigetköz Crazy for Adventures From the rivers to the oceans Crazy for Remote Places From the Mediterrain to the Arctic Crazy for Expeditions Thousands of Kms in Endurance Missions Crazy for Workshops For safe paddling Crazy for Nature As long there is enough water under the keel Crazy and respectful Paddling in small group, Silent and Trackless
For cold climate or autumn trips:
  • At least 2 sets of warm clothing (merino wool, possibly technical fiber, but leave cotton clothing at home), waterproof jacket and pants.
  • Camping equipment (tent, sleeping bag, mattress, gas stove, dishes.
  • Dry bags (for sleeping bags, spare clothes and mattresses)
  • First aid kit with your necessary medicines
  • 10L water tank (bag type recommended, easier to pack in the kayak)
Multiday summer trip
  • At least 2 sets of clothing (merino wool, possibly technical synthetic fiber), waterproof jacket and pants.
  • Camping equipment (tent, sleeping bag, mattress, gas stove, dishes.
  • Dry bags (for sleeping bags, spare clothes and mattresses)
  • First aid kit with your necessary medicines
  • 10L water tank (bag type recommended, easier to pack in the kayak)
Daytrip Summer
  • Spare clothes and towels
  • First aid kit with your necessary medicines
  • Enough soft drink for the whole day (strictly alcohol-free)
  • Cold food daily
  • Hiking shoes
  • Recommended vacuum-packed hiking food, dry sausages, bacon, oatmeal, dried fruits and seeds, raw marzipan, chocolate…
  • Map of the place
  • Suncream
  • Hat to protect from the sun or helmet for sea kayaking
  • Neoprene gloves, Neoprene headgear, neoprene shoes
  • Anything else you need and fit in the kayak! Gopro camera, waterproof case for mobile phone, camera, solar charger, powerbank…
  • Túracipő
  • Ajánlott vákumcsomagolásos túrakaják, szárazkolbász, szalonna, zabpehely, szárított gyümölcsök és magvak, nyers marcipán, csokoládé…
  • Az adott hely térképe
  • Fényvédő
  • Kalap, hogy megvédjen a naptól, vagy sisak tengeri kajakozáshoz
  • Neoprén kesztyű, Neoprén fejfedő, neoprén cipő
  • Bármi más amire szükséged van, és befér a kajakba!   Gopro kamera, vízálló tok mobilhoz, kamerához, napelemes töltő, powerbank…